Mysql EXPLAIN output format:Explaining the EXPLAIN output: Part 1:

The EXPLAIN commands has the following 10 output columns (from:7.8.2. EXPLAIN Output Format)

idThe SELECT identifier
select_typeThe SELECT type
tableThe table for output row
typeThe join type
possible_keysThe possible indexes to show
keyThe index actually chosen
key_lenThe length of chosen key
refThe columns compared to the index
rowsEstimate of rows to be examined
ExtraAdditional information

Lets start explaining each of these columns one by one with examples:


The SELECT identifier. This is the sequential number of the SELECT within the query.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name0' UNION SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name1';

“The query above is a dumb query”.
*select_type will be explained later

The result of the query will have 3 rows:There will be 2 id’s generated:

1] id=1 for select * from table1 where name=’name0′ with
select_tye:PRIMARY, table:table1;

2] id=2 for select * from table1 where name=’name1′ with
select_tye:UNION, table:table1;

3] id=NULL. No sequential numbers will be generated here;
select_tye:UNION RESULT, table:;



Simple SELECT (not using UNION or subqueries)



Outermost SELECT

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name0' UNION SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name1';

SELECT * FROM table1 is the outer most select hence PRIMARY.

SELECT ID FROM (select * from TABLE1 where NAME='name0') p;

SELECT ID FROM is the outer most select hence PRIMARY.


Second or later SELECT statement in a UNION

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name0' UNION SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name1';

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name=’name1′ is the second select in the above query with UNION hence select_type is UNION

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='NAME0' UNION SELECT * FROM name WHERE name='NAME1' UNION SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name='name2';

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name=’name1′ is the second select; SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name=’name1′ is the later select; in the above query with UNION hence select_type for these 2 selects will be UNION


Second or later SELECT statement in a UNION,dependent on outer query

SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE'NAME0' UNION SELECT column_name FROM table3 WHERE FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE name='name1';

SELECT column_name FROM table3 WHERE has the select_type as DEPENDENT UNION as the where clause in it is dependent on a value from an outer query which is:SELECT t1.column_name,… FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE name=’name1′;


Result of a UNION.

Any query which has a UNION in it will have this row(extra) in its explain output with an id NULL and select_type as UNION RESULT


First SELECT in subquery

for more about SUBQUERY visit here:12.2.10. Subquery Syntax


SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE'NAME0') FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE'NAME0';

SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE’NAME0′ is the sub query which is not dependant on any other query.


First SELECT in subquery, dependent on outer query

EXAMPLE QUER(Y|IES):SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE'name0';

SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE has a where clause which is dependent on the outer query: SELECT t1.column_name,…FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE’name0′; hence its select_type will be DEPENDENT SUBQUERY


Derived table SELECT (subquery in FROM clause)

SELECT id FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name like 'abcd') AS t1;

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE name like ‘abcd’ is a SUBQUERY which lies in the FROM clause hence has the select_type as DERIVED


A subquery for which the result cannot be cached and must be re-evaluated for each row of the outer query

SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE'name0' UNION SELECT t3.column_name FROM table3 AS t3 WHERE ) FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE name='NAME0';

SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE’name0′ will have the select_type as UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY since its in conjunction in an UNION with SELECT t3.column_name FROM table3 AS t3 WHERE which has a where clause dependent on the results from an outer query and have select_type as DEPENDENT UNION.


The second or later select in a UNION that belongs to an uncacheable subquery(see UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY)

SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE UNION SELECT t3.column_name FROM table3 AS t3 WHERE'NAME0' ) FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE name='NAME0';

SELECT t3.column_name FROM table3 AS t3 WHERE’NAME0′ will have its select_type as UNCACHEABLE UNION as it is the 2nd query in the UNION with the query: SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE which has a where clause dependent on the results of an outer query hence its select_type being DEPENDENT SUBQUERY.

For more about query caching, read this: MySQL Query Cache


Displays the table name for that output row.

SELECT t1.column_name,(SELECT t2.column_name FROM table2 AS t2 WHERE UNION SELECT t3.column_name FROM table3 WHERE name='NAME0' ) FROM table1 AS t1 WHERE name='NAME0';

The above code will the following table name listed

*will be continued in the next part.
*find any mistakes? do feel free to point it out.

MySQL performance tuning: The ‘EXPLAIN’ command output: Access Types

EXPLAIN Output Format has the ‘type’ column which is poorly named: We would call it the access types:

Performance Tuning Best Practices for MySQL:

• type: the “join type”
• Really, the access type: how MySQL will access the
rows to find results
• From worst to best
– ALL, index, range, ref, eq_ref, const, system, NULL

from EXPLAIN Demystified by Baron Schwartz Percona Inc.

What are these?


  'EXPLAIN' Join Types: (from: 7.8.2. EXPLAIN Output Format ) (the doc is for MySQL 5.6)

The type column of EXPLAIN output describes how tables are joined. The following list describes the join types, ordered from the best type to the worst:

  • system

    The table has only one row (= system table). This is a special case of the constjoin type.

  • const

    The table has at most one matching row, which is read at the start of the query. Because there is only one row, values from the column in this row can be regarded as constants by the rest of the optimizer. consttables are very fast because they are read only once.const is used when you compare all parts of a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index to constant values. In the following queries, tbl_name can be used as a consttable:

    SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE primary_key=1;
    SELECT * FROM tbl_name
      WHERE primary_key_part1=1 AND primary_key_part2=2;
  • eq_ref

    One row is read from this table for each combination of rows from the previous tables. Other than the system and const types, this is the best possible join type. It is used when all parts of an index are used by the join and the index is a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE NOT NULLindex.eq_ref can be used for indexed columns that are compared using the = operator. The comparison value can be a constant or an expression that uses columns from tables that are read before this table. In the following examples, MySQL can use an eq_ref join to process ref_table:

    SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table
      WHERE ref_table.key_column=other_table.column;
    SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table
      WHERE ref_table.key_column_part1=other_table.column
      AND ref_table.key_column_part2=1;
  • ref

    All rows with matching index values are read from this table for each combination of rows from the previous tables. ref is used if the join uses only a leftmost prefix of the key or if the key is not a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUEindex (in other words, if the join cannot select a single row based on the key value). If the key that is used matches only a few rows, this is a good join type.ref can be used for indexed columns that are compared using the = or <=> operator. In the following examples, MySQL can use a ref join to process ref_table:

    SELECT * FROM ref_table WHERE key_column=expr;

    SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column=other_table.column; SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column_part1=other_table.column AND ref_table.key_column_part2=1;

  • fulltext

    The join is performed using a FULLTEXT index.

  • ref_or_null

    This join type is like ref, but with the addition that MySQL does an extra search for rows that contain NULL values. This join type optimization is used most often in resolving subqueries. In the following examples, MySQL can use a ref_or_null join to process ref_table:

    SELECT * FROM ref_table
      WHERE key_column=expr OR key_column IS NULL;

    See Section 7.13.5, “IS NULL Optimization”

  • index_merge

    This join type indicates that the Index Merge optimization is used. In this case, the key column in the output row contains a list of indexes used, and key_len contains a list of the longest key parts for the indexes used. For more information, see Section 7.13.2, “Index Merge Optimization”.

  • unique_subquery

    This type replaces ref for some INsubqueries of the following form:

    value IN (SELECT primary_key FROM single_table WHERE some_expr)

    unique_subquery is just an index lookup function that replaces the subquery completely for better efficiency.

  • index_subquery

    This join type is similar to unique_subquery. It replaces INsubqueries, but it works for nonunique indexes in subqueries of the following form:

    value IN (SELECT key_column FROM single_table WHERE some_expr)
  • range

    Only rows that are in a given range are retrieved, using an index to select the rows. The key column in the output row indicates which index is used. The key_len contains the longest key part that was used. The ref column is NULLfor this type.range can be used when a key column is compared to a constant using any of the =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IS NULL, <=>, BETWEEN, or IN()operators:

    SELECT * FROM tbl_name
      WHERE key_column = 10;
    SELECT * FROM tbl_name
      WHERE key_column BETWEEN 10 and 20;
    SELECT * FROM tbl_name
      WHERE key_column IN (10,20,30);
    SELECT * FROM tbl_name
      WHERE key_part1 = 10 AND key_part2 IN (10,20,30);
  • index

    This join type is the same as ALL, except that only the index tree is scanned. This usually is faster than ALLbecause the index file usually is smaller than the data file.MySQL can use this join type when the query uses only columns that are part of a single index.

  • ALL

    A full table scan is done for each combination of rows from the previous tables. This is normally not good if the table is the first table not marked const, and usually very bad in all other cases. Normally, you can avoid ALL by adding indexes that enable row retrieval from the table based on constant values or column values from earlier tables.